Experience Genesys on Free RPG Day with Ashes of Power
2021 / 10 / 15
If you can’t wait to learn more about our upcoming Twilight Imperium sourcebook for Genesys, Embers of the Imperium, be sure to check out our preview as a part of Free RPG Day!
Ashes of Power is a 40-page booklet containing a simplified set of Genesys rules, a full adventure by veteran writers Max Brooke and Michael Gernes, and four pre-generated characters. Combined with the two additional pre-gens that we’ll make available on our website and our free Genesys Dice Roller app, and your whole group can adventure in Twilight Imperium without spending a single cent!
Our Free RPG Day adventure is designed to teach the Genesys system to new players in an engaging adventure that allows them to learn about the vast galaxy of Twilight Imperium and the dauntless Keleres, agents charged with defending that galaxy against threats too terrible to imagine.
In Ashes of Power, you take on the role of a team of Keleres who are sent to a recently rediscovered planet to track down a missing Keleres informant. Of course, once you get there, you’ll need to navigate a unique culture comprised of three very different species, and survive when you inevitably run into a group of very unpleasant individuals with a vested interest in seeing you dead. After all, there are ancient secrets lurking on Herool’s Truce…
Free RPG Day takes place on October 16, 2021. For more information on this event, please visit www.freerpgday.com.