Arkham Mysteries: One for the Road

2025 / 03 / 21

An investigation for Arkham Mysteries written by Keith Ryan Kappel

Salutations, investigators! Leah here with another post about the new Arkham Mysteries supplement for the Arkham Horror RPG. In the last check-in I talked a little bit about the first investigation, and now I’ll do the same for the second featured scenario—a whooping thirteen-scene, two-part saga, One for the Road, that was written by Keith Ryan Kappel. And just like in the last article, we’ll keep all of the secrets secret so you can read this brief blurb without having your future investigation spoiled. 

One for the Road taps into one of the many iconic topics of the 1920s—Prohibition and the advent of speakeasies and bootleg alcohol manufacturing and sale. Things start off relatively mundane, you and your fellow investigators are spending a night out at Hibb’s Roadhouse and meeting up with an acquaintance. The music is hoppin’, the drinks are flowing, and the night seems to be shaping up to be a nice break from the burdens of a long week…until, in the typical RPG fashion, an otherwise pleasant evening takes a sudden, unexpected turn that sets the investigators down a path of mystery. Something’s off in Arkham, and it’s up to the investigators to figure out who—or what—is responsible before more innocent people have their lives turned upside down.

Because we wanted this scenario to be a longer experience, it made the most sense to have it take place over a wide variety of locations and have a broad cast of characters. One highlight is the inclusion of a brand-new location: an apple orchard! New England is widely known for its apple orchards and apple jack (a traditional booze made from home). As for characters and monsters, there are several new unique NPCs included at the back of the scenario, and we made a point to give guidance on what profiles from the core rulebook would work for NPCs we didn’t (or couldn’t) include. 

Anyway, that’s all for now—stay tuned for another post about the last adventure, The Thricefold Power, included in Arkham Mysteries and feel free to follow Edge Studio on our social media. And remember—every zoog loves good finger food!

—Leah Hawthorne

Arkham Mysteries is designed to be played with the Arkham Horror RPG – Core Rulebook and will be released on March 28th.